Naas working in the Middle East & North Africa |
Naas Ltd, a UK based company working with a number of Middle Eastern countries specialising in the air conditioning sector. |
We supply a number of leading brands of air conditioning and chiller units and also spare parts – condensers, evaporators, switches etc to the gas and petrochemical, oil, steel, construction and allied industries. |
Over years we have built up a good reputation for providing an efficient service to our clients as well as a good customer support operation. |
We pride ourselves on offering a competitive, fast and reliable service. Our export team aims to provide an accurate and quick response to every enquiry we receive. If you have a project that you would like Naas to quote on please click here. |
Naas Ltd also specialise in Supplying the Middle East with our range of Automotive Air Conditioning service tools, consubables and equipment. Fully automatic service stations with built in databases, vacuum pumps, scales, recovery units, gauges, test equipment and hand tools. |
We offer our distributors a package that enables them to sell to end users and is back up by our sales and marketing team .For further details in becoming a distributors e-mail your inquiry to or ring 0044 1162768444 for a member of our sales team to contact you . |
We can supply your company with the following:
- Air Conditioning
- Tools
- Radars
- Telecommunication
- Electrical
- Personal Safety Equipments
- Refrigerants
- Electronics
- Transportation
- Spare parts
- Cranes
- Hoses
- Couplings
- Training
Call or email Naas today to see how we can help your business.
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